Neudert – Format parts – Everything on its way
You regularly adapt your products to the market, shapes change, the design is updated or other sizes are required by the market. New products should attract customers' attention with new packaging. But not every packaging can be driven with every machine.
One of our customers faced these challenges. The marketing department always came up with new ideas, the technology then had to implement it. But buying a new machine for every product change is something you really can't afford. And unfortunately it is sometimes the case that when you need new format parts for machines, the machine manufacturer no longer exists or the response time is extremely long or the price is simply outrageous.
Neudert was confronted with this requirement and, for this customer who packs bottles, measured his systems and recorded the route of the products. And now the switch to a new product is very easy, the new format, the new bottle sent to Neudert, the basic construction is available from us and only the bottle-dependent contours are changed. After production is complete, new, other bottles can start their way through the packaging line.
Modernized so that every format fits.